thank you for this cry from the heart! I fully understand the dislike felt for the perverse conduct that is aimed at children. I do not share, however, the analogy with pedophilia. This is a perverse sexual deviation that has, as its object the most fragile elements of society, children.

Assimilating Zionism and pedophilia denotes, in my opinion, an unacceptable «indulgence».

Zionism is a much worse «disease»! , it realizes a serious mental disorder based on vast mystifications, messianic delusions and aberrations from the Talmud, all resulting in hateful and supremacist behaviors, not recognizing human attributes in the « other », what gives them the right of life and death over these …. subhuman.

Polls clearly show that the majority of the Israeli population supports the operations taking place in Gaza. Which indicates the depth of evil! The therapy will be long and painful, the prognosis reserved, for I do not think that all these sick persons are ready to give up the dystopian dream of Zionism…

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I agree entirely with you. I think it might be safe to assume that a large number of pedophiles were born with that predilection already in place, meaning it’s intrinsic to their psycho-sexual development. They have always been attracted to children and will always be attracted to children. There are undoubtedly other types of pedophiles; sociopaths who recognize no boundaries and think ordinary concepts of morality don’t apply to them; people who are “pedophobic” ie they don’t like children and seek to harm them; sexual opportunists who are always looking for some kind of sexual gratification and so children are “fair game” in their minds, etc. I am conjecturing here, frankly. However it seems to me that in every human society there are people who are sexually attracted to children, what the percentage of any population might be is unknown to me, but it seems to be a consistent anomaly in all population.

Zionism is far worse, of course, because like all racist, supremacist doctrines it is a learned behavior that is taught to Jewish children from an early age. A Jewish child isn’t born believing he or she is inherently better than anyone else, or that they have enhanced rights to their neighbor’s property, or that every non-Jewish person is inferior to them and should therefore be enslaved. This is all the subject of indoctrination that begins at early age and continues throughout their life and, as we know, is continuously reinforced through their culture, their religion, and association with fellow Jews where it is explicitly and implicitly reinforced over and over again, until as you pointed out it becomes a serious and profound mental disorder.

The settler colonial state of Israel is a perfect self-reinforcing silo of Zionist race hatred and religious insanity. And, as we know, the Zionist IDF stands accused of grotesque acts of pedophilia perpetrated upon Palestinian children they have kidnapped - undoubtedly in order to destroy their lives and young minds so that

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Well, what is Germany going to next? Decriminalize beastiality? They did that in Denmark, and right away people began advertising for sex tours where they picked a tourist up at a hotel and drove them to a farm where they paid the owners for the use of the animals. Humanity disgusts me.

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This beautiful quintessentially morally correct article in our respectful view does not go far enough.**This fine author s elegant constructive presentation only begin s the same historical process of what we currently..nesecerily call "The commencing of the New American Kristallnacht **Only a fool speaks all day about..HITLER! Shrunken Heads!Lampshades made of human skin!*By 2024 most biological genuine humans recognize Jewish atrocity propaganda..."Jewish hysterical negative fantasia .cloying and annoyingly untruthful "holocaustianity profiteering...*it is streaming video now as Isreal and a large mainstream ..mainstay ifof JEWS ...continue to dehumanize ..mongreluze..belittle...Palestinian Christians.innocent Palestinian Muslims .and the

small contingent of Palestinian Jews currently

being publically holocausted... GENOCIDED exterminated..some Americans i notice an

anomaly..an oddity...that reportage of the actual death metrics seems to be astoundingly going down in spite of the 2 ton ..?.. white phosphorous bombs being dropped..in spite of the isreali -american produced drone kill programs. *The Gospel** Where s Daddy?**etc.etc..ad infinitum ad nauseum.but moral folk across the planet and America are everywhere dissenting.*Many gentrified exaggerations and flat minded monochromatic lies about Germans!Hitler; have slowly unraveled in the boomer generation that ..hook line and sinker..accepted "swindler s list"Jewish atrocity propaganda as cardinal truth...fear..not fact over and over has led to unobstructed jew race supremacist extreme manipulative super controls over every major government...*are we all ,thanks to judeao bolshevists. Jewish zograt communists..disarmed?are we all victims of Jewish super inculcated learned helplessness?... Biological sirs.biological females..... It is time to dismember defund retribute the onerous obvious odious homicidal. Zionist entity ..still..millions realize...it's "not just Zionists*...it is the Talmudic bolshevistic and theofacistic isreali --jewish thought Fuhrer's. pseudo ideological pseudo biblical... gentrified Jewish eugenicists. Jewish bioethicists psychotics masquerading as charitable green scamming saviours of Gaia. - planet cults. The moloch baphometic kabalistic New Jew Order hive minded supreme Jewish degenerates. far worse than the historical promiscuos homosexual rapists of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah....all biological decent humans need to ask .haven't we thrown far too many rocks at the messengers old and new..who warned all about the Synagogue of Satan?... Now..because Americans were sleeping at the wheel.... there is. holocausts exterminations .genocides expanding and increasing. Why are the vast majority of American taxes utilized to genocide races overseas?.... **

..CUI Bono sirs..madams?.. Americans are horrified that many homicidal Jews are escaping like rats abandoning a sinking zionazi ship to Florida NYC..etc..so..after stealing people's lands .homes..funding .participating in Genocide..s west bank..also..they now want equal rights equal respect to the rest of us Non Jews who had no part no lot

no responsibility no vote in any of isreali Jewish war crimes against humanity?....Something to discuss publically..robust dissent and war crimes trials

must commence...we all intuit this utter sense of ..war between Heaven and earth exploding..... The 11th hour has passed..a Rubicon of bloodshed has been crossed...your move America . We say..name arrest charge tar feather and hang all culpable..ALL CULPABLE....destroy all Jew race supremacy..destroy all 30 pieces of silver sociopaths...end all Jewish priveledges..no double standards**..We're all Palestinians now**. **Rearm Now*

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Wow! Mind blowing and revelatory!

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So zionists with dual passports are to be weeded out like dandelion seeds across the globe especially to key enabler nations that groomed them. Chickens come home to roost. Gross.

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Germany's Parliament has officially voted to decriminalize the possession of child pornography. The move is being celebrated by a "pedophile rights" activist group which has also called for the age of consent to be dropped to 12. https://reduxx.info/pro-pedophile-activist-group-celebrates-as-germany-decriminalizes-child-porn-possession/

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Germany has decriminalized pedophilia? And Germany continues to supply weapons to the Zionist regime of Israel? Germany is a sick nation.

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When the Berlin wall fell we from the Eastern block were thinking something like this is to ensue...

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It's now a misdemeanor if you're caught with kiddy porn, etc. Free range for the psychos.

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Germany decriminalized pedophilia: https://open.substack.com/pub/reduxx/p/reduxx-weekly-roundup-may-20-26

So? I just wanted to point that out.

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There are only two types of criminals I might consider the death penalty for—pedophiles and zionists. If they’re irredeemable then we should put them out of our misery.

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jews are certainly professional victims akin to wife beaters. they beat their wives, then blame the wives that the wife made them do it.

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I have to also point out that the Israeli actions do not follow the "Torah" it does appear that those who are the main perpetrators are from the following of the "Talmud" so although they are following Judaism it isn't the true representation of Judaism! In the Torah it's plain that Israel is against what the book states and followers of the Torah acknowledge that, at least from what many of my new Jewish Friends tell me. Its a bit like the Church of England and the Catholic Church "same God different Rules" ! We have to Stop implying that all Jews are the same because they are 100% not. It Saddens me that those calling themselves "Christian" ( I am a Christian or at least believe that I am following the Christian faith in my own way) appear to support the Israeli actions to a degree, yet in all the Holy Books I have read ( including the Qű Ran) everything points to " Love thy neighbour " yes many people interpret Holy Books to fit their own Rhetoric ( perhaps my interpretations are wrong if someone can prove me wrong I will re evaluate my thoughts and read again) Wars are caused using Religion as an excuse, the Knights of old fought for so called Christian Beliefs yet the Bible forbids that. The Romans fought and used their God's as the excuse ,yet all of these Wars were to bolster the King/ Queen /Ruler of the times Treasury! America, Germany and the UK are Profiting from the Arms sales not only to Israel but also Ukraine and so many other Wars due to their respective government's stupidity during and after the Covid outbreak and the slump in World trade. All Wars are in essence to make Money and never mind the Consequences.

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It's unfortunate that you used Paedophilia as an example, as much as I hate Paedophilia and Paedophile's I am loathe to use the unwarranted similarities, my Reason is a simple one "Paedophilia" is a recognised mental health issue,( Paedophile's. Allegedly mean no harm when they abuse children they are purportedly believing its Love or some other sick excuse) Israel know exactly what they are doing and its not down to "Love" nor is it for protection! The Israeli Genocidal government with Bidens seemingly unwavering support is for Two Reasons, one being keeping Netanyahu out of the Israeli Courts for Fraud and Corruption! The second is to Kill all Palestinians so Israel can take the Amazing Oil Reserves from the Palestinian territory!

So it's in reality to keep a psychopath and his psychopathic Government in power long enough for the Israeli courts to drop Netanyahu's charges and so the Israeli Right wing cabinet can profit from the Genocide. After all what Country would take a minister popular with the Settlers and those who want the destruction of Palestine to Court if he succeeds in his endeavour?

I know this whole post is contradictory ie Paedophile's being mentally ill, Netanyahu being a Psychopath! But then so is everything coming from mainstream media.

With all these atrocious events happening in Israel ( Ukraine is different to the extent there is a semblance of truth in Putins Rationale), the True Followers of Judaism who have stood up and fight against Netanyahu's Genocidal actions ok its only verbally but it helps! Are not only being put in prison by the German government and the American government! But they are suffering from Antisemitism ( the real meaning of Antisemitism and Not the weaponised version of Antisemitism) there Are proven examples of Israeli students lighting the fires at the University protests so the police can go in and use the excuse of " Antisemitism and antisocial behaviour" the point being the students who create the situation are not arrested the police Allegedly know who they are and let them walk away! It's really sad that so many young people are ending up losing their University place and getting a criminal record as well because of Netanyahu and what now appears to be Bidens Complicity. Is America now part of the Unification of the Corrupt murderous Israeli states?

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How? Give them really great jobs in LA?

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Logical progression :


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