by Scott Creighton
As a species we have a natural instinct to protect our children. Not just children related to us, but all human children. It is part of our survival instinct which most animals share as well. Wildebeests in Africa will circle back when a pack of lions single out a calf to attack them, protecting the young of the herd. It is instinct shared by almost every single animal on the planet.
But this basic instinct is not shared when it comes to zionists and their apologists/collaborators because they don't see Palestinians as part of their species.
This is why humans, across the board, loath pedophiles. They are universally hated. They hide their feelings and do their dirty deeds in secret, in the dark, hoping no one will ever know.
That's why when this whole thing started the Zionists in the IDF worked with a local news station to craft a fake news story about 40 beheaded babies. They did that to tap into the universal loathing of those who deliberately harm children.
That story fell apart and since then the Zionists in the IDF have exterminated over 15,000 children in Gaza... as their apologists and collaborators say nothing.
It is time we look at Zionists and their supporters the same way prisoners in American prisons view pedophiles: as sub-human. Because... they are.
Humans are animals. We share many traits both biological and social. We share similar feelings. We share DNA. We are in many ways, the same.
Zionists who revel in the death and suffering of children, I dare say, may not qualify to be any part of our shared existence on this planet.
There was a time when we collectively decided that Nazis were irredeemable humans who needed to be tried and executed for the betterment of mankind.
After last night's genocidal Zionist attack on Rafah refugee camp in which scores of women and children were killed so they could send a message to the world that they, the Jewish State, were above any form of either international law or moral obligations, we should come to understand collectively as a society that there is no redeeming the Zionists in our midst and they should all be subsequently banished from any and all civil society.
If that means Israel is to become a pariah state, so be it.
If that means the Israelis expel their Zionists leaders and settlers, then that is favorable however it should be made clear, they will be given no safe harbor among us afterward.
Pedophiles are reviled because of the imminent threat they pose to the future of our species. Zionists should be seen the same way. Their moral compasses are shattered. They seek only their own satisfaction no matter who has to pay the price. And they prey on the weakest victims they can for their own sense of power.
Pedophiles and Zionists alike are incurable.
Ergo to protect the herd, to protect our species, our very existence, they must simply be removed.
For the good of all mankind, Russia seeks the de-Nazification of Ukraine.
Israel should be de-Zionisted for the good of us all.
thank you for this cry from the heart! I fully understand the dislike felt for the perverse conduct that is aimed at children. I do not share, however, the analogy with pedophilia. This is a perverse sexual deviation that has, as its object the most fragile elements of society, children.
Assimilating Zionism and pedophilia denotes, in my opinion, an unacceptable «indulgence».
Zionism is a much worse «disease»! , it realizes a serious mental disorder based on vast mystifications, messianic delusions and aberrations from the Talmud, all resulting in hateful and supremacist behaviors, not recognizing human attributes in the « other », what gives them the right of life and death over these …. subhuman.
Polls clearly show that the majority of the Israeli population supports the operations taking place in Gaza. Which indicates the depth of evil! The therapy will be long and painful, the prognosis reserved, for I do not think that all these sick persons are ready to give up the dystopian dream of Zionism…
Well, what is Germany going to next? Decriminalize beastiality? They did that in Denmark, and right away people began advertising for sex tours where they picked a tourist up at a hotel and drove them to a farm where they paid the owners for the use of the animals. Humanity disgusts me.