I don't know anything about your background. What I do know is Dr. Meryl Nass was asked to speak in front of Congress twice during the Anthrax scare and was also invited to Cuba when the doctors there could not figure out what to do about a rare tropical disease. For decades she has had an excellent reputation. Yet for some reason, you have decided to misquote her about Covid. You should seriously consider checking your sources before slandering someone's good name.

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She should check her own lies. Meryl is a shit talker and liar who won't apologize for making up her bold face lies we never filed a case (we filed many and still are) and Miss Nassty is out there defaming our org - called us a fake org - and lied we are chaos agents - as she changed her handle to "chaos"... so if the shoe fits... She is mean.

When people tell you they are "chaos" you may want to pay attention. Meryl is PURE CHAOS. AN AGENT - WAKE UP FOLLOWERS. https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/meryl-nassty-admits-she-may-be-wrong

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AMEN to that!

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Thanks for admitting that you know nothing about Scott, who's familiar w/Meryl Nass's work. She misquoted him, not vice versa. You're caught in a mindless cult & shouldn't hypocritically lecture Scott about "checking (his) sources." If Nass had a "good name," she's since sold it to the lowest bidder.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Please STOP trashing Dr. Meryl Nass!! She is one of the GOOD ones. No, she's one of the BEST truth-tellers out there!! I don't know who you are, but it's clear that you are NOT a truth-teller, else you wouldn't smear that great woman who has sacrificed SO much to get the TRUTH out to us!! Shame on you!

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Meryl Nass is a limited hangout & controlled opposition, not a "truth-teller." Thanks for admitting that you don't know who Scott is & aren't familiar w/his quality work. Only smart people who can think independently appreciate what he does. Let's face it. You're in a mindless cult.

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Meryl is a shit talker and liar who won't apologize for making up her bold face lies we never filed a case (we filed many and still are) and Miss Nassty is out there defaming our org - called us a fake org - and lied we are chaos agents - as she changed her handle to "chaos"... so if the shoe fits... She is mean.

When people tell you they are "chaos" you may want to pay attention. Meryl is PURE CHAOS. AN AGENT - WAKE UP FOLLOWERS. https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/meryl-nassty-admits-she-may-be-wrong

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Thanks to Meryl chaos agent sending us here we are new subscribers. Keep up the good work American Everyman.

China was the first ones who were truthful and said there was NO asymptomatic spread. Why are we blaming China with Meryl? We should have listened to China and prevented the fake pandemic.

If we listened to China it was not spread and asymptomatic, we would have lived normally, Meryl chaos wouldn't be a mini celebrity, or well funded to push the false lie of a china virus...

We may want to get over blaming China and believing in the fake virus Meryl pushes as real.

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I respectfully ask you to take a step back and reflect upon this article.

I don’t believe the zero sum game does anything but hurt all truth movements.

I like to evaluate things (and encourage others to do so as well) from a relativistic standpoint. For example, for the sake of simplicity, I use a scale of 0-10 where 0 = evil

and 10 = pure benevolence, the spectrum between 2-5 is people of varying degrees of culpability, and 5-9 is people of varying degrees of honorable actions.

Examples of the spectrum:

Klaus Schwab = 0

Jeffrey Epstein = 0

Henry Kissinger = 0

MD’s just following orders and knowingly using treatments that would likely kill people = 2

MD’s who looked the other way, but did not engage in administering deadly treatments; but are good to their family = 3-4

People who see what’s going on in society and for whatever reason choose to just focus on themselves and their family = 5

People who have taken a stand and are vocal to varying degrees among friends, family, and social media. = 6-7

Doctors who took a stance and did whatever they could to save patients lives, and sound the alarms. = 8-9

People who have worked tirelessly to sound the alarms on the unrolling technocratic tyranny, meet with representatives, join/establish organizations to fight evil and support good, raise awareness and educate as many people as possible as to what’s going on and how they can help. = 9

People who have gone above and beyond, at immeasurable sacrifice to themselves, have saved lives, and made a powerful contribution towards defeating evil, all while not engaging in any revengeful acts, acts of hatred towards anyone, maintaining a level of self-composure so that their stress does not significantly impact the lives of loved ones. = 10

Now I want to ask the question, who are we fighting? Anyone lower than 10? Lower than 8? Lower than 5? Lower than 3?

Personally, I believe calling out and attacking anyone above 5 does far more harm than good. It pains me to see people who put in large amounts of effort in the fight against evil, to then turn around and attack someone else who is fighting evil, just because of the style in which they are fighting evil isn’t similar enough to themselves.

***I’ve sent messages to others, such as Sasha Latypova, and Dr. Nass, for attacking people who are *clearly* well above the 5 mark on the spectrum… so please don’t think I’m singling you out. I have no ill-feelings towards you.***

Debates are okay; theolocutions are great. But to attack someone else who is clearly on our side, even if it’s not in the way you’d prefer, does virtually no good, and causes considerable harm.

So with great humbleness and respect, I ask you to take time to reflect and decide whether attacking Whitney Webb, AE911Truth, Dr. Nass, and the others you’ve mentioned, helps the movement achieve its aim of defeating the truly evil people, and those who have aligned themselves with said evil.

I strongly believe that in-fighting does far more harm to the movement than evil could ever do. Only once united, can we defeat evil.

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IOJ works tirelessly and Meryl never gave us a leg up - she cut us down so we would be less effective. IOJ got Costa Rica out of the pandemic treaty - we WORKED while Meryl partied.... She never told people we are working hardest on suing the WHO - she lies they can't be sued.

She is a DIVIDER.

Meryl is a shit talker and liar who won't apologize for making up her bold face lies we never filed a case (we filed many and still are) and Miss Nassty is out there defaming our org - called us a fake org - and lied we are chaos agents - as she changed her handle to "chaos"... so if the shoe fits... She is mean.

When people tell you they are "chaos" you may want to pay attention. Meryl is PURE CHAOS. AN AGENT - WAKE UP FOLLOWERS. https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/meryl-nassty-admits-she-may-be-wrong

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I didn't know any of this. Thanks for the info. Yeah as soon as you don't blame China or question her hanging out with PNAC neocons she attacks you hoping to drive folks away from your efforts. Go figure. I will look into what you posted. Thanks again

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Aug 26Liked by Scott Creighton

Please re-read what I wrote.

I touched upon the aspect that I reached out to Dr. Nass as well, urging her to stop dividing and attacking people within the movement.

I urge a relativistic approach that focuses on fighting “below 5” rankings, and works to make “above 5” rankings more cohesive.

We are dealing with huge personalities and egos, we will lose everything if these egos can’t get along for at least as long as it takes to defeat the elites.

Any infighting among “above 5” rankings does far more harm than good. Including bashing Dr. Nass.

We all need to let go of unrelenting anger if we are going to defeat the elites. Throwing Dr. Nass under the bus, or Dr. Nass throwing you under the bus, will both destroy us from within.

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You are so sweet. Are you suggesting we work "with" Meryl Crass?

She told us "sue me" after LYING about us to hurt our reputation so we can't get support for our work.

We are Children of LIGHT. She wants to lie, lie, lie about IOJ, refuse to apologize, tell us to sue her and yet she posts wah wah like a baby that someone is allegedly lying about her. Well karmas a bitch - She lies and now is surrounded by lies. A low vibration of her own making lol. Was just pointing out the irony.

We live in PURE TRUTH and the idea of us working with a liar who attacks us and bashes people daily is not very appealing : )

-Love and light - not our fight - not angry, not fighting, just doing our thing & keeping it real ; )

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Sep 7Liked by Scott Creighton

I didn’t suggest working with Dr. Nass at all, and I don’t suggest doing so.

I am in agreement with you that Dr. Nass herself has engaged in a lot mean-spirited commentary.

Again, I humbly ask you to re-read my original post… as that is all I am asking; not to engage in the back and forth banter. It just doesn’t help anyone, or anything.

Attacking Dr. Nass doesn’t help your cause, and Dr. Nass attacking you doesn’t help her cause. That’s all I’m saying… I am not asking you to say a single good thing about her; just to lay off of attacks. It truly only harms us.

Like you said, “Love and light - not our fight - not angry, not fighting, just doing our thing & keeping it real.”

I think you are 100% on point with that; and I hope that garners your efforts rather than getting sucked into vitriol.

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the problem with what she is doing is that it serves the interests of the very people who planned the pandemic, who made the virus to push the mRNA 'vaccine' She is part of a community of 'alt' influencers who are helping frame China for what WE DID. She's even doing panel discussions, not debates but discussions, with known PNAC neocon China-hating warmongers. I'm sorry but yes, I needed to expose that element of her message to all who need to know it as I would expect anyone to do regarding me were I to start doing panels and hanging out with those same people. I get what you are saying but her message regarding that is poison to us. And yes, I hate having to do it because I respect her work so much. But it is what it is.

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I understand what you’re saying, and I agree that Dr. Nass’s allocation of culpability isn’t dispersed accurately. But I do strongly believe that she’s done a lot of amazing work.

The aspect that I keep coming back to is what I refer to as “relativistic thinking” or “relativistic evaluations”.

I believe that focusing energy towards exposing specific aspects of dissidents who solidly rank above 5 (as per the rough spectrum I outlined in the original message), then we are shooting ourselves in the foot. And again, Dr. Nass also propagates in-fighting, so I’m not saying she’s an exemplar model when it comes to avoiding in-fighting by any means.

Lastly, the way that I believe in-fighting hurts the resistance against the elites the most, is when prominent figures’ followers lunge to the aid of the figure that they align with. It quickly spirals into one figure’s fan-base attacking the other figure’s fan-base- - and this, I believe, is actually what poses the largest threat to the movement- - and it just does so much clear harm towards solidarity against a threat that’s clearly exponentially more dangerous than any disagreements that you and Dr. Nass have with each other.

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We thought about it pretty hard after she baselessly attacked us and defamed us calling us agents lol and a fake org... We realized she was derailing our efforts against the WHO treaty and IHR nullifications.. .Could it be because she was the FIRST PERSON ON EARTH to usher in the "surveillance" directive from the 2005 IHR amendments. She was the one who first testified a PANDEMIC could be surveilled, diagnosed and from biowarfare... she singlehandedly ushered in the WHO IHR pandemic biomedical industry.. Also, the State offered her the license back and she wrote a Substack about why she should not take it so she's dubious at best, self proclaimed chaos agent at worst

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Limited hangouts & controlled opposition do more damage than straight propaganda. It gives people the false impression that they're in the "resistance" when they're just being manipulated at a more sophisticated level. BTW, Scott helped Whitney Webb in her early work at MintPress "News" & has interviewed her a couple times. Unfortunately, "it's a big club, & he ain't in it," so the network only accept those who toe the line.

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I don’t disagree with you. But what I wrote has to do with something else.

Please re-read what I wrote.

I urge a relativistic approach that focuses on fighting “below 5” rankings, and works to make “above 5” rankings more cohesive.

We are dealing with huge personalities and egos, we will lose everything if these egos can’t get along for at least as long as it takes to defeat the elites.

Any infighting among “above 5” rankings does far more harm than good. Including bashing Dr. Nass.

We all need to let go of unrelenting anger if we are going to defeat the elites. Throwing Nass, Webb, or any other “above 5” ranking person under the bus, is equivalent to them throwing Scott under the bus. It will destroy us from within.

PS: I addressed Scott simply because it’s a comment under his article. I’ve left similar comments under Dr. Nass’s articles that are addressed to her role in attacking others.

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